Insanely good
This stuff feels like a hot sauna in a jar. It's warming, cooling, and effective. I love it!! I have used it for years and can't speak highly enough about it.
A warming muscle rub super-infused with a unique blend of powerful, natural ingredients--such as Capsaicin*, Turmeric, Ginger, Camphor, Cloves and Cinnamon--to instantly soothe, relieve and relax sore, chronic, achy muscles. This balm gently warms and stimulates circulation, to help keep muscles and joints loose before and after exercise. Good for the skin and it smells great – not like your usual sports rub! Look at our ingredients and you’ll see nothing but pain-relieving herbs, oils and botanical extracts that have been used to soothe over-worked muscles for centuries. Our Warming Muscle Rub does the job naturally and effectively without chemicals or artificial ingredients. Plus, our base ingredients soften and smooth skin while pure essential oils melt away the tension. 100% Petroleum-free. Rub this stuff in – you deserve it!
*Capsaicin or Capsicum, is the ingredient found in different types of hot peppers, such as cayenne peppers, that makes the peppers spicy hot. You can eat it raw, cooked or as a dried powder, which you can add to food or drinks. It also is available as a dietary supplement and in topical creams that you apply to your skin. When a capsaicin cream or ointment is used on the skin (topical use), capsaicin helps relieve pain. Capsaicin works by first stimulating and then decreasing the intensity of pain signals in the body. Although pain may at first increase, it usually decreases after the first use. Capsaicin stimulates the release of a compound believed to be involved in communicating pain between the nerves in the spinal cord and other parts of the body.
When you apply it to the skin, capsaicin may help relieve pain from:
What you should know
Using Heat and Cold to Reduce Pain
Use cold for acute pain or a new swollen/inflamed injury (Cooling Muscle Spray).
Use heat for chronic pain or an injury that is a day or more old (Warming Muscle Rub).
This stuff feels like a hot sauna in a jar. It's warming, cooling, and effective. I love it!! I have used it for years and can't speak highly enough about it.
I'm a dental hygienist with occupational pain in the neck, back & migraines. This is the best relief I have found & I have tried most likely everything, from doctors, surgical procedures,acupuncture, chiropractic & massage therapists, CBD tinctures & creams & several prescriptions with little relief. I discovered this rub at their Farmer's Market in San Diego two years ago. Best day ever!! I love this muscle rub! Please don't ever stop producing it!
I have terrible back pain that I get once in a while in my lower and middle back. I used this cream for the very first time with my grandma in Germany and she loved it immediately. I had to get another one then once I was back here. The price is not too high for what you are getting. Oh and everything is handcrafted. You just gotta love the stuff from Holistic Science. They really do care about their products and customers :) keep up the good work.