New Brick & Mortar Shop Opening Soon in Ramona, CA!!!

Hey there, friends and loyal patrons! We've got some exciting news to share! Our brand new brick & mortar shop is opening soon in Ramona, CA at 733 Main Street--right next to the delicious Ramona Country Bakery. Yum!  Can't wait for you to c

Visits to Our Shop in Ramona (Updated)

Hello, wonderful customers! We hope you're doing great! We wanted to let you know that, due to our busy schedules, we'll be open by appointment only from now on. If you'd like to stop by our shop in Ramona, please give us a call or text us @ 619-365-

Hurray! Our Ramona Shop is Open!

Great news!  Starting April 19, we're throwing open our doors every Friday to Sunday from 10am-5pm by appointment at our location in Ramona.  Unless it's sweltering hot or rain is bucketing down, we're here for you!  We won't be at the

Visit us in Ramona, CA!

Visit us in Ramona, CA!

Our shop in Ocean Beach is closed but our shop in Ramona, CA is now open! For the time being, we will be open every Saturday from 10am-5pm if weather permits. During winter months, we will close at 4pm. We're a little off the beaten path, but the